The Great American Eclipse was an epic event for many including myself. My story is a long one that I will have to recount at a later time, here is the short version. I found a great viewing spot, although it was marred by smoke, negating more than one of my ideas. I was luckily at a fairly high elevation and had clear skies above.

I used three cameras on three tripods and spent a good portion of the eclipse moving back and forth like a plate spinner. My final favorite image is from my 3rd “experimental” camera. It’s an in-camera multiple exposure where the camera never moved and the final image is from a single RAW file. In other-words, I didn’t photoshop this together like most eclipse images that you’ve likely seen. I needed to fire the shots manual and adjust exposure between the partial and total eclipse images. Due to my need to manually fire the camera, the size and spacing of the sun is slightly off from what I’d hoped. The rainbow is a flair from the diamond ring burst of light.

Exposure: SS 1/60, f/5.6 ISO 200, with solar filter (for partial eclipse images), SS 1/60, f/5.6 ISO 200 without solar filter (for diamond ring/total eclipse image)

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